Life's Ambition
When it comes to stories, there are so many that are out there from hanging out with your friends to spending time with a random person in your career field. The most important story, however, is the one of your life. The story of your life includes what obstacles and interactions have you had to become the person you are today and what continues to push you to succeed now. This podcast goes in depth with people across many backgrounds and experiences that will share their story of how they got to their career of today and what one may experience with it.
Life's Ambition
Episode 8: Tedy Marko
In this conversation, Tedy Marko gives insight on his life as a retired FBI agent with expertise in counterintelligence in the Middle East. They discuss Tedy's experience in the FBI, his understanding of different cultures, and his perspective on international relations. Tedy shares examples of how cultural knowledge played a crucial role in intelligence gathering and interrogation. They also touch on Tedy's immigration to the United States and his observations of American society and economics. Tedy reflects on his upbringing in Israel and the significance of serving in the military. Tedy Marko discusses his experience in the Six Day War and the impact it had on his perspective. He also talks about patriotism and the sense of unity that arises during times of conflict. Tedy shares his transition from the Israeli military to the FBI and the importance of loyalty and dedication in his work. He explains the difference between the FBI and the CIA and the role of counterintelligence. Tedy reflects on the beauty of Israel and the challenges of traveling while working for the FBI. He concludes by discussing his plans for giving back in retirement.